I’m Cindy, an Independent,

and I’m running for you

What District 4 Deserves

You deserve better. As your representative, I will listen to you, not special interests or party policies. When I talk to my neighbors, here is what I hear about the most:

  • Nebraska’s greatest resource is our people. Period. Sound fiscal policy and investment is critical, and in order to be competitive, we need to understand what drives hard-working Nebraskans to stay and grow their families here. We must invest in excellent higher education and skills training for new graduates AND experienced people changing careers. Nebraskans deserve good wages, inclusive policies, and affordable childcare – and it’s good for business, too.

  • I am a strong supporter of public education, including paying our hard-working teachers and school staff competitive salaries. Nebraska’s children deserve a strong foundation upon which to build their future and families. History, science, and critical thinking skills are key priorities for a healthy, thriving, inclusive Nebraska that serves all students. Our children deserve schools that are sustainably funded and equitable.

  • Fair, equitable tax policy is a key priority for our District. Nebraska’s reliance on property taxes to fund our local school districts impacts communities across the state. We deserve representatives that will set aside quick fixes and do the work to ensure neighborhoods, businesses, and hard-working families can grow. Our lives and livelihoods depend on it.

  • Farmers, ranchers, and the manufacturing industry rely on our natural resources to grow our economy. Families, communities, and businesses deserve a serious plan to protect our health and environment. The Nebraska Legislature must focus on this in a comprehensive way and immediately set it in motion.

All of these important issues are interconnected and District 4 deserves an Independent representative that will serve all of our neighbors!

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